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Câini vagabonzi - Rezultate Sondaj

Aţi fi de acord cu eutanasierea câinilor vagabonzi?

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18.02.2006 - 09:11:51 Predoi Catalina
Nu este corect ptr. acele animale care nu din vina lor sunt pe strazi ci din cauza acelor oameni (daca pot fi numiti asa) care acum se plang ca sunt atacati si vor eutanasierea cainilor.
18.02.2006 - 08:34:07 Sibylle MĂĽller
Stop killing the dogs immediately!!
The world is looking to Romania!!!
18.02.2006 - 03:13:42 Diotima Schäfer Deutschland
Abscheulich - ich wĂĽnsche , daĂź alle diejenigen, die dies tun , das selbe Schicksal erleiden.Das sind keine Menschen sondern Monster.
18.02.2006 - 02:30:47 Dobre Adrian
NU SUNT DE ACORD!!!!! Mi se pare inuman.....mai mult decat atat, cu ce drept se ia viata unor fiinte atat de dragi. Daca aceste animale ataca astazi este tot din cauza oamenilor, prea vrem lumea asta numai ptr noi si nu se poate asa.
18.02.2006 - 02:30:36 Familie Reiner GERMANY
Hört auf mit dieser Tierquälerei!!
18.02.2006 - 00:22:15 Anita, Germany
Stop Cruelty!

How can we expect peace in the world and love to other humans, when some of us aren't even able to treat innoscent animals the way they deserve???
18.02.2006 - 00:17:46 st3ph4nie
e clar ca tu ai o problema din fericire nu doare, ca altfel...

to all those foreigners who try to help...I want to thank you for trying to convince people in my country to find a human solution to this problem, but unfortunately, their personalities are much altered.
all we can do is to ignore the people who are malevolent and try to find the best way out of this, working together, benevolent strangers and romanians who still know their duty towards the world around.

P.S. it's really easy to begin loving animals more than most humans, when humans become so low. maybe it's because of the lack of social education. instead of trying to accept help and be grateful for what others try to do for us, we treat them as if they would have assaulted us.
we have a beautiful's a pitty it is inhabited though...
17.02.2006 - 23:52:03 TK Austria
Wer Tiere so behandeln kann, hat auch wenig Respekt vor den Menschen.
17.02.2006 - 23:34:22 Edeltraud aus Deutschland
Wie können Menschen nur so grausam sein und sich auch noch für die Krone der Schöpfung halten. Alle Tiere sind unsere Brüder und Schwestern. Sie haben eine Seele und ein Recht geachtet zu werden und ein Recht auf Leben!
17.02.2006 - 23:31:49 Kiia, Finland
Romania has a National Animal Protection Federation who is collecting evidences of poisonings and other cruel ways of killing stray dogs after this madness campaign against stray dogs. They have plenty of them so it is noncense to say that every photo is lie. Those photos e.g. taken of poisoned dogs are real and those corpses of dogs have been delivered to laboratiories to be tested and poisons have found so there is no doubt to say that photos are made up or something. Some poisoned dogs have been still alive when found but died lately. There is no explanations enough even some of you try so much. Open your eyes as many of us have done already years ago and rest of us are opening our eyes latest now. And there are plenty of us.
17.02.2006 - 23:30:20 willfried Fuchs
nur schlimmste Kreaturen von sogenannten Menschen können dazu imstande sein Tiere zu quälen - hoffentlich holt sie die Gerechtigkeit ein
17.02.2006 - 23:26:41 SCHREIBT EIN E-MAIL FĂśR DIE HUNDE
E.Mail-Adress from President Basescu
17.02.2006 - 23:25:24 PROTEST EMAILS FĂśR DIE HUNDE AN
E.Mail-Adress from President Basescu
17.02.2006 - 23:05:12 Kiia, Finland

you have made many questions and points where others have answered but you have not
answered my simple questions yet. Have you visited any municipal shelter in Romania? Have you seen any dog euthanized in human way? And why foreigners are not allowed to enter municipal shelters in Bucharest?
17.02.2006 - 22:50:56 GOGULETZ
Toti acesti"from", "aus" ,ar face bine sa vina un Romania sa pateasca ce-a patit japonezul, dupa care sa-si spuna parerea.
17.02.2006 - 22:50:08 Kiia, Finland
I have also visited Romania and seen what is happening. I am not only seen photos. I have seen videos taken when real hunting has been going on in many villages of Romania.

I also have seen dogs hidden by cars, but usually they look very different than those who has been really slaughted. You do not know how many of us have been visited your country and tried to sort out how things are. We are not stupid people and again, not your enemies. Even we can say that there should not be any stray dogs in streets. But there has to be also alternatives for barbaric killing. And if you have bad feelings for one organization you can not blame all of them. And you have to admit that your authorities are not very keen of co-operating with foreigners. Sort that out first and blame then others.
17.02.2006 - 22:39:46 @acinte

dear Axinte,

If you do not believe what is in front of your eyes and what is filmed it is nothing we can do to convince you. But you are you and we are we.

We have seen it also in reality. I have been together with my Romanian friends when people from villages have hunted dogs and even threatened us badly when we were filming. Believe or not, we have seen too much to stop now and be silent.
17.02.2006 - 22:33:03 Axinte
***17.02.2006 - 21:06:15 @Axinte ***
I told you I had seem that clip many times... it was filmed in 2001 by vier pfoten (it might even be made up)

many of the animals are rotten to bones, not "cut to justify bullets" .. that extremely stupid... lies, lies, lies...


Kiia from Finland***
many of those dogs were runned over by cars... not killed intentionally by "evil people"... why do you show those images?
and it's kind of stupid to believ that dogs are put on tables to be beaten with stick... these are nothing but stories made up by so called "animal lovers"...

You don't seem to understand that you have to show some REAL EVIDENCE: clear photos in which the faces of the agressors are clear and can be identified... if you see dead dogs (supposedly killed by the authorities) the photos (or videos) must be clear, and the should be easily identifiable.

Most of the photos on your sitea are just photos of dogs already dead from unknown causes with all kinds of stories made up...

"17.02.2006 - 21:53:32 corcoos from Romania

@Jim Kauffman (USA)

There are wild packs in Bucharest, but only in mass media and in the mind of people with a dog phobia."

you are just a silly ignorant...

17.02.2006 - 22:28:50 Lucie, Germany
Sleepless nights and always the cries of the animals in the head and feeling all the pain of this creatures in own bodies and soul - this is my desire to the murders and all who plead for killig
17.02.2006 - 22:17:51 @acinte
Chriss and others who do not get the point.

Romanian stray dogs have been slaughted several years. Still the problem is the same. How you explain that?

Animal lovers and animal protection organizations try to work in Romania usually with local associations and people to solve even a little part of this problem. It is not possible without the help of Romanian auhtorities. If they time after time refuse to co-operate, what is the result? There is going to be always the same problem, and even you destroy so many dogs you can it will be a never ending story.
And other part, animal lovers and animal protection organizations will continue their work other side. As you mentioned some organization and why it has not done so much you wanted to, maybe it is because no international organization can operate very well with authorities of Romania. And to be honest, there are not so many local people who want to work in the shelters of stray dogs. Even foreigner volunteers do often more than local people in the shelters. And you are still wandering the problem.

As you already know, stray dogs have been killed already since 1999 or even before that and what have you achieved, nothing at all.

My association try to change an attitude of people to take care of animals, even offering a help for free neutering in a little part we can in that city we are working. We are not going to neuter stray dogs of the city because they are catched and killed anyway. But we would like to help the local association to build their own private shelter where they can collect stray dogs and neuter them there. Somewhere we have to start with and if Romanian authorities want to kill all stray dogs we have to educate people to take care of animals and get known that they are not enemies.

Recently I visited a shelter where were hundreds of stray dogs and they were totally free when I entered to the shelter. I was surrounded with friends and totally with friends, not enemies. And my opinion is that if we threat animals as friends they threat us the same. If we tortute them what we can expect back.
17.02.2006 - 22:15:50 Gabriela Austria
Ich kann keine klaren Gedanken mehr finden seit ich die Schreie auf dem Video gehört habe. Ich verstehe nur die "Menschen" nicht die zu solchen Handlungen überhaupt fähig sind. Jeder der selbe Tiere zu Hause hat oder Tierschützer ist, für den ist es einfach unbegreiflich wie man so bestialisch sein kann. Achtung vor dem Tier das dürfte ein Fremdwort sein. Rumänien bitte hört sofort auf mit diesem Wahnsinn!!!!
17.02.2006 - 21:58:32 aus Wien
Nur kranke Gehirne können sich solche Grausamkeiten ausdenken!!!!! STOPPPPPPPPP MIT DIESEN GREUELTATEN! Alles was man einem anderem Wesen zufügt kommt 1000 fach zurück, vergesst das nicht!!!!!
17.02.2006 - 21:55:46 Geli, Germany
People of Romania, who pleaded for killing the animals - change your mind. Would you be murders?

17.02.2006 - 21:54:49 corcoos from Romania
@Iuliana prea multi prosti cu internet.
17.02.2006 - 21:53:32 corcoos from Romania
@Jim Kauffman (USA)

There are wild packs in Bucharest, but only in mass media and in the mind of people with a dog phobia.


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